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May 2011

City of Montebello Accused of Misusing HUD Funds

Responsibilities of City Government and Auditor Shortcomings Is Montebello the second coming of the City of Bell? Last year we learned about former City of Bell administrator, Robert Rizzo, who was accused of stealing from the treasury while paying himself a salary well in excess of $800,000. Los Angeles County... Read more →

Regulating the Derivatives Market

Financial Regulatory Morass: Delay in Dodd-Frank and Excluding Derivatives The Treasury Department has proposed excluding certain foreign-exchange instruments from new rules on derivatives trading that were included in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act that was signed into law by President Obama on July 21, 2010. Not... Read more →

Are Businesses Over-Regulated or Is It Necessary to Protect the Public Good?

The Conundrum of Promoting Free Markets and Unethical Behavior One of the core values in the mission statement of the Tea Party is to promote a free markest by reigning in government interference in the form of excessive regulation that limits individual and economic liberty. On February 9, 2001, the... Read more →