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December 2011

Cyberbullying on the Internet

How to Deal with Cyberbullying I have written several blogs about cyberbullying. Cyber bullies seek to gain gratification from the psychological harm to others by embarrassing, provoking, and tormenting the target of their rants. Cyberbullying occurs in our schools, in the workplace, and most recently, through the Internet. The effects... Read more →

What Ever Happened to Ethics at Johnson & Johnson?

Lawsuits over Johnson & Johnson Products Raise Questions about Ethics at the Company Let’s go back to the fall of 1982, when seven people in the Chicago area collapsed suddenly and died after taking Extra-Strength Tylenol capsules, manufactured by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, which had... Read more →

Is it Ethically Proper for Asian Students to Lie on Their College Applications?

Asian Students Discriminated Against in College Admissions Let me say up front I am putting the issue of affirmative action aside for the purpose of this blog which is to evaluate the ethics of college admission policies that discriminate against Asian students. Perhaps you’ve heard about Lanya Olmstead who was... Read more →

The Ethics of Fracking

A Cost-benefit Analysis of Fracking I always tell my ethics students that there are two sides to every issue from an ethical perspective and they need to identify both in making a cogent argument for or against a particular action or decision. Oftentimes the ethical issues are subtle; they don’t... Read more →

Unintended Consequences of Occupy Movement

Port Disruptions Not the Way to Go for the Occupy Movement Some believe the Occupy Wall Street movement seems to be all about socially engineering our country so that the rich get poorer and the poor get richer. Certainly, there are those in the movement who believe in a more... Read more →

Is Corzine a Fraudster or just Incompetent?

Corzine Feigns Ignorance in Questioning about MF Global Is Jon S. Corzine, the former U.S. Senator, New Jersey governor, and Goldman Sachs CEO, a fraudster who is trying to absolve himself of any responsibility for the meltdown at MF Global by feigning ignorance, OR is he the most incompetent CEO... Read more →

Is Ethical Capitalism an Oxymoron?

Is Capitalism a Moral Economic System? I write an opinion editorial for the Pacific Coast Business Times, a business publication covering the three-county area of Los Angeles, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo. Today's blog appeared in the Pacific Coast Business Times on December 2. It is quite popular these days... Read more →

The G(ing)RI[N]CH who stole Christmas

Newt Says: Poor kids don't work "unless it's illegal" “I think I’m going to be the nominee, proclaimed Newt Gingrich.” All I can say is “OMG.” Has the Republican Party totally lost its collective minds? Do they WANT to lose to President Obama? With the holiday season upon us, the... Read more →

Michigan Anti-Bullying Law: Can Legislation Stop Bullying?

Bullying: A National Disgrace I have previously blogged about bullying in schools, cyber-bullying, and bullying in the workplace. Action needs to be taken now to put an end to this disgraceful practice. Michigan is attempting to do so. At the time of this writing, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was expected... Read more →