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January 2012

What is meant by Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Virtue is the Key to True Happiness We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These three aspects are listed among the "unalienable... Read more →

Johnson & Johnson Records a $3.3 Billion Charge for Product Liability

Lawsuits over Risperdal Marketing at Johnson & Johnson Continue to Raise Questions about Ethics at the Company Johnson & Johnson announced this week that it has recorded pretax charges and special items totaling $3.3 billion for the fourth quarter of 2011 in order to provide a reserve for probable losses... Read more →

Who is Killing the Homeless?

Homelessness Problem is a National Disgrace Three weeks; four homeless dead; and the police have no idea why. Apparently, not any more. According to Orange County DA Tony Rackauckas, the 23-year-old suspect and Iraq war veteran Itzcoatl Ocampo was a thrill seeker who took pleasure in killing his victims. "He... Read more →

Message to Newt: Character Counts

Newt was the First Speaker to be disciplined for Ethical Wrongdoing It’s not about his affairs or alleged request for an open marriage. It’s not even about his book deal in 1983 when he established a limited partnership to pull together about two dozen of his biggest campaign contributors to... Read more →

US Supreme Court Declines to Hear Cyber-bullying Case

What is the Solution to Regulating Student Cyber-bullying Attacks? The US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take two cases involving three separate incidents involving free speech protection for public school students on the Internet. In all three cases students were punished for posting obscene and derogatory information on students... Read more →

Teacher-Student Sex Raises Ethical Questions

Is it ever acceptable for a teacher to have sex with a student? I just read an article by Brady Mallory that reports about a middle school teacher in Pierre, South Dakota, George Sazama, who admitted to having sex with a 17-year-old high school girl three times. According to the... Read more →

Building an Ethical Corporate Culture

Ethics Compliance Program and Whistle-blowing Provisions I have previously blogged about the corporate ethics and the increase in regulations and new laws imposed on businesses in recent years including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act. In an ideal world we would not need such stifling regulations and corporate... Read more →

Are Business Ethics Improving or Declining?

NBES Survey about Ethics in Business Shows Mixed Results The Ethics Resource Center recently issued its 2011 National Business Ethics Survey (NBES) and the results are mixed. Here are some of the major results reported in its Executive Summary. The percentage of employees who witnessed misconduct at work fell to... Read more →

KPMG Disclaims an Audit Opinion on Chinese Company

Ethical Culture of Chinese Businesses Raise Doubts about Financial Reports Chinese-style western capitalism has been spreading to virtually every continent as China seeks to form joint ventures in Africa, South America, and elsewhere to ensure reliable access to needed natural resources to feed China’s hunger for economic growth and development.... Read more →