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May 2012

Empathy is missing in Society Today

Ethics Requires Us to Feel What Others Feel Before Acting Empathy can be defined as vicariously perceiving or feeling the experiences and emotions of another person. It incorporates feelings of caring, concern, and consideration as integral to the ethical value of empathy. The following well-known expression describes a perspective on... Read more →

Creepy Facial Recognition App Raises Privacy Concerns

SceneTap Scans Patrons and Transmits Age and Gender Information in Real-Time You’re single and looking for someone to meet so you go to one of the bars in your home town. You decide to use a new app to scan the faces of patrons in the bars in the downtown... Read more →

Social Responsibilities of a U.S. Company Doing Business Abroad

Ethics and Social Responsibility go Hand in Hand Should use companies adhere to U.S. standards of health and safety in the workplace of a foreign supplier? Or, is the old adage true: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Corporate social responsibilities come from ethical obligations including acting responsibly... Read more →

Six-Year Old Boy Suspended for Sexual Harassment

Application of Sexual Harassment Laws Run Amok: Whatever Happened to Common Sense? Perhaps you have heard that a six-year old Aurora, Colorado elementary school student has been suspended for three days after quoting this line from an LMFAO song: "I’m sexy and I know it." "I only just said the... Read more →

Moral Blindness

Why Good People Sometimes Do Bad Things The noted moral psychologist James Rest developed a Four-Component Model of Moral Development that identifies four essential characteristics of moral behavior. If we examine the model, we can see why good people sometimes do bad things. I'm talking about people who would otherwise... Read more →