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August 2012

Sports Ethics

Gamesmanship Crowds Out Sportsmanship Think about it. In the last month we’ve heard that the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency stripped U.S. bicyclist Lance Armstrong's seven Tour de France titles because of allegations that he used a performance-enhancing drug. Eight female badminton doubles players from South Korea, China, and Indonesia were disqualified... Read more →

Why Good People Sometimes Do Bad Things

Our Ethical Blind Spots Inhibit Ethical Behavior In my study of ethical behavior I have come across many instances when otherwise good people do bad things. They may succumb to the pressure of a supervisor to go along with financial wrongdoing or they may defer to the judgment of others... Read more →

Pfizer Admits Bribery Overseas to Gain Business

Pfizer’s $60.2 Million Settlement under the FCPA Illustrates Ethical Lapses in Pharmaceuticals On August 7, 2012, Pfizer agreed to pay the federal government $60.2 million to settle allegations that its employees bribed doctors and other foreign officials in Europe and Asia to win business and boost sales. The charges against... Read more →

On line Dating Scams Spreading like Wildfire

How to protect yourself against on line Dating Scammers The total number of single people in the U.S. has been estimated at 54 Million. The total number of people in the U.S. who have tried online dating is about 40 Million. The two largest on line dating services are eHarmony... Read more →

Holding CEOs Responsible for Fraud at their Companies

Tyco & Kozlowski You remember Dennis Kozlowski, the former CEO of Tyco International, who was convicted in 2005 of crimes related to his receipt of $81 million in purportedly unauthorized bonuses, the purchase of art for $14.725 million for his $30 million New York City apartment which included $6,000 shower... Read more →

Voter Fraud: Real or Imagined?

Challenges to Voter ID laws Raise Questions about Voter Suppression Claims of voter fraud by state attorney generals are on the rise. On August 1, 2012 the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) challenged Pennsylvania's new voter ID legislation alleging that "large numbers of registered voters in Pennsylvania will not have... Read more →

What Motivates Medical Billing Fraud?

Medicare Billing Fraud Costs to Society We all will need it at some time in our future. The costs keep rising and the loss to the government (i.e. we, the People) is staggering. Medical billing experts estimate that the U.S. Government loses 30 cents of every dollar earned from fraudulent... Read more →