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July 2016

What makes for a Principled Person?

Did Ted Cruz Say the ‘Right’ Thing at the Republican Convention? What makes for a principled person? McNabb points out that usually, when someone is called a ‘person of principle’ it means a person who faithfully follows their principles or set of principles rather than abandoning them when convenient. If... Read more →

Reflections on the Murder of Cops and Killing of Black Youth

A Changing Societal Ethic is Behind Recent Tragic Events Why did it happen? Who is to blame? How can we prevent a re-occurrence? These are questions that haunt me in the aftermath of the murder of five police officers and two civilians in Dallas just a couple of weeks ago... Read more →

Should Tuition Be Free in Public Colleges and Universities?

Tuition-Free Public Education vs. the Importance of Developing a Work Ethic and Grit Last week presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, stole a play from Bernie Sanders’ playbook and proposed that public higher education be offered tuition free to all who are from families with incomes of up to $125,000. Estimates... Read more →

Corporate Irresponsibility: VW Settlement Underlies Ethical Problems at the Auto Maker

Cost-Benefit Analysis Can’t Hide Unethical Behavior by Car Companies Finally, an agreement with German car maker Volkswagen AG. On June 28, the automaker agreed to spend up to $14.7 billion to resolve federal and state civil allegations of cheating on emissions tests and lying to customers. The company has admitted... Read more →