Is Free Speech in America 'Free'?
Civility, Civic Duty and Free Speech
From time to time I post a guest blog on a topic of great interest. Given the length of this piece, I provide the following link to the full piece. It deals with the current state of free speech in America. I highly recommend it.
I have blogged before about the increasing attempts by some to stifle free speech by shouting down a speaker, heckling, and walking out on a presentation. Attempts at free speech outside the venue deals with similar behaviors.
It’s disappointing the extent to which free speech is being restricted and even stifled in America. It is a core value of our country. It’s the foundation of civility and civic duty – to speak out when one perceived an injustice has occurred. These uncivil behaviors have made it increasingly more difficult to engage in conversations with others, especially those with an opposing view. How will we learn from others?
The anti-free speech movement manifests itself in disrespectful behaviors. Speakers are prejudged and not listened to with an open mind, the key to debating critical issues facing the U.S.
I agree with the conclusion of the master’s in communications group that developed the linked piece. The say: “As long as people live together in a society, the right to free speech will cause tension. Sometimes speech is so offensive or potentially damaging to people that it is natural to want to shut down its negative effects. On the other hand, the United States’ freedom of speech laws is precious and revolutionary at their inception.”
Guest blog linked by Steven Mintz, aka Ethics Sage, on February 21, 2019. Visit Steve’s website and sign up for his newsletter. Follow him on Facebook and “Like” his page.