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October 2020

The Twitter Golden Rule: Tweet others the way you want to be Tweeted

You Are What You Tweet I like the expression “You Are What You Tweet” because it addresses proper behavior on social media. Let’s face it, some people use Twitter to vent, call out others they might disagree with, cancel others whose behaviors are offensive to some person or group, or... Read more →

Challenges to Ethical Behavior For Ethicists

My Ethical Dilemma I have previously blogged about whether we should expect ethics professors to be ethical. In reading up on this issue, I found an interesting study on why ethics professors don’t behave better. The results made me worry about what might be happening to ethicists and whether they... Read more →

Warning on the Reliability of the November 3 Election Results

Cyber-Attacks and Voter Fraud Likely to Occur I recently read an alarming report about the possibility of cyber-attacks in the upcoming election. According to the report, U.S. authorities have said that hackers could slow -- but not prevent -- voting and vote-counting in the November 3 election, adding to the... Read more →

The Bystander Effect and a Civil Society

Our Disconnected Society You may be familiar with the biblical parable of the Good Samaritan: A man from the ancient city of Samaria sees another man lying in the road. Many people ignored the man and pass him by; but the Samaritan stops to help him. He followed The Golden... Read more →