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May 2022

It’s Time to Wake Up to ‘Woke Capitalism’

Should Corporations Be Encouraged to Influence the Political Process? It's well known that corporations donate to politicians of their choice. This has been going on for many years. What's not so clear is whether the concept of "woke capitalism" is ratcheting up the support in a more tangible way that... Read more →

Should College Athletes Be Paid for Their Name, Image, and Likeness?

Exploring the Costs and Benefits of the New NCAA Rules I have previously blogged about whether college athletes should be paid for their services. They shed blood, sweat, and tears in their sports competition. Universities make millions from admissions fees to sporting events, sponsorships, deals with athletic companies like Nike,... Read more →

What do WeWork and Theranos Have in Common?

A Cult of Personality Blinded Others to Their Schemes Today's blog is long but comprehensively addresses two of the most interesting cases of how not to run a business. For educators, it could be the makings of a case study to use in the classroom. I recently watched a streaming... Read more →

Can Moral Reframing Bridge the Political Divide?

Progressives and Conservatives Need to Open Their Minds to Other Opinions Moral reframing enables people to strengthen their arguments and increase the likelihood they can successfully counteract other opinionated people who are hard to sway. One way to do so is find the statistics or other data that supports your... Read more →

Canceling Student Debt and Moral Hazard

What’s Fair? Moral hazard refers to a situation that arises when an individual has the chance to take advantage of a financial arrangement or situation, knowing that all the risks and consequences will fall on another party. In a sense, it allows one party to take advantage of another. Moral... Read more →