Government accountability Feed

Have Kamala Harris’s Values Changed?

Weighing Changes in Values versus Valuing Something Vice President Kamala Harris last Thursday offered her most comprehensive explanation to date on why she’s changed some of her positions on immigration and fracking, telling Dana Bash her values haven’t shifted but that her time as vice president provided new perspective on... Read more →

It's Time to Scrap the Primary System in the U.S.

We Need a National Primary All on One Day The presidential primary system is where candidates compete for delegates and seek the nomination for their parties’ next president. It’s a broken system. There are a variety of reasons why, not the least of which is the outrageous amounts of money... Read more →

Should We Trust the Edelman Trust Barometer?

Implications for NGOs, Business, Government, and Media The Edelman Trust Barometer is an annual gauge of the international population’s trust in business organizations, governments, and the media. The Edelman Trust Barometer is published by Edelman, the world’s largest independently owned public relations firm. The Edelman Trust Barometer is a score... Read more →

Causes and Solutions to Gun Violence in America

Why is America Such a Violent Country? The number of senseless murders that have occurred in the U.S. in 2022 is alarming, several of which have occurred in November alone. We need to recognize that the country has now returned to the days of the “Wild West” that began after... Read more →

Canceling Student Debt and Moral Hazard

What’s Fair? Moral hazard refers to a situation that arises when an individual has the chance to take advantage of a financial arrangement or situation, knowing that all the risks and consequences will fall on another party. In a sense, it allows one party to take advantage of another. Moral... Read more →

It’s Time to Ban ALL Stock Trades for Members of Congress

Can a Conflict of Interest Be Avoided? Should members of Congress be prohibited from owning and trading in stocks? This question is receiving a lot of attention on Capitol Hill and in the press. The answer to the question seems to be a no brainer – Yes! The simple reason... Read more →

Biden’s Latest Conflict of Interest

Is His Son-in-Law Seeking to Trade in on the Family Name? The latest disclosure that there may be a conflict of interest for President Joe Biden as a result of professional ties of his family members to other organizations occurred just a few days ago. The problem relates to son-in-law... Read more →

The Entitled Political Class

We Live in a Two-Class System When we think of entitled people, the first thing that comes to mind are millennials, who act like society owes them a living or something else. They feel entitled to high grades in college, a good job, promotion, and other benefits of life. In... Read more →

Has Trump Been a Good CEO?

The Moral of His Story Imagine that you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and a large number of advisors and top officials were either fired or resigned during your four-year tenure. Does that indicate a problem with those top officials or you as the CEO? During Donald... Read more →

Political Ethics is an Oxymoron

The Optics of CA Politicians Violating Their Own State’s Mandates is Not Good I was recently interviewed for my views on the ethics of California legislators attending a conference in Maui about The Independent Voter Project. The trip was for the annual conference and fundraiser for the non-profit. According to... Read more →