kindness Feed

My Pet Peeves

Please Be Considerate of Others Pet peeves are annoying behaviors that other people do, and which irritate someone. Pet peeves are particularly irritating because they often tap into our values, preferences, or past experiences. When something bothers us, it can feel like a personal affront, even if it seems trivial... Read more →

What is Meant by the Phrase: "I Appreciate You?"

Affirming Your Belief in Others From time to time, I read postings on Psychology Today that really resonate with me. I value their analyses on all issues related to emotional development, including kindness, empathy, caring and consideration. These are ethical values that make for a good person, one who knows... Read more →

Can America Ever Regain Its Civility?

Why We Have Lost Our Way as a Moral Society I've never seen the level of divisiveness in America as I have for the past decade. While I have blogged about the decline of civility in America before, nothing has changed, and it has gotten much worse, so I decided... Read more →

Vivek Ramaswamy and Civics Education

Are Americans Ready to Become More Involved? Until recently, few Americans had heard of Vivek Ramaswamy, yet he is a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the U.S. A wealthy millennial entrepreneur who has never run for political office, Ramaswamy was the target of a barrage of attacks... Read more →

Are You a Happy Person?

Why Being Accountable for Your Actions Is So Important Several years ago, I authored a book about happiness and meaning in life titled Beyond Happiness and Meaning: Transforming Your Life Through Ethical Behavior. I’ve heard from many people who read it, liked it, and said they would rethink how they... Read more →

What is Character?

Making Ethical Decisions It has been said that “The true test of a person’s character is how they behave in difficult times.” John C. Maxwell is credited with making this important observation. Maxwell is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership. I... Read more →

Are You Part of the “Exhausted Majority”?

We Need to Return to the Common Good I’ve been hearing a lot about the term “The Exhausted Majority.” It refers to the belief that generally, the American public is more flexible in their political views, fed up with polarization, believe we can find common ground, and are less active... Read more →

What Does Morality Mean to You?

The Divide Between Older and Younger Americans is Widening From time to time, I come across a survey that leads me to wonder why Americans have different views about morality. Isn’t it a matter of right versus wrong? Doesn’t The Golden Rule explain it best? According to a survey by... Read more →