Personal development Feed

Digital Threat: Talking To Your Child About Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying: The Greatest Threat to Children’s’ Emotional Stability This guest blog was written by Katherine Rundell. Her contact information is below. The blog was first posted in February 2022. Introduction Cyberbullying is one example that can have devastating effects on young people. Cyberbullying occurs when a bully targets a victim... Read more →

Cultivating Moral Resilience

The Antidote for Powerlessness Last week I blogged about the concept of moral distress. Moral distress is defined as knowing what to do in an ethical situation, but not being allowed to do it. Moral distress is the feeling that we've compromised ourselves due to external forces beyond our control.... Read more →

Coping with Moral Distress

Fight or Flight Response There have been events in my life when I have experienced moral distress. It typically leads me to consider whether to fight it or flight. Life’s decisions are not always black or white. Typically, there are shades of gray. This creates uncertainty about what our response... Read more →

Have Americans Grown Too Soft?

Who Will Defend the U.S. in Case of War? A new poll from Echelon Insights shows the alarming result that 72% of American voters would not be willing to volunteer to fight for their country if the U.S. faced a major conflict. Twenty-one percent said they are willing to volunteer.... Read more →

Using A CURE Approach to Enhance Ethical Behavior

The Keys to Building Emotional Intelligence I previously blogged about how and why empathy and compassion are critical components of ethical leadership. However, this is only one-half of the story about how approaching ethics from an emotional level can enhance ethical leadership. Ethical leaders also need cognitive skills to make... Read more →

9-Year-Old Achievement Scores Reflect the Failure of the U.S. Education System

Don’t Blame Covid for the Decline in Math and Reading Scores Perhaps you have heard that Math and Reading scores for 9-year-olds in the U.S. fell between 2020 and 2022 by a level not seen in decades, a troubling sign of the state of American education two years after the... Read more →

Happiness at Home and at Work Are Essential Elements of Wellness

How to Achieve Happiness in One’s Work-Life I’ve been reading a lot about a new job position that has been established in some organizations – Chief Happiness Officer (CHO). In a Wall Street Journal article, there is discussion about Erika Conklin, CHO of a digital marketing startup, who included procuring... Read more →

Reversing the Golden Rule

What to Do About Negative Self-Talk The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one wants to be treated. It is a maxim that is found in most religions and cultures. It can be considered an ethic of reciprocity in some religions, although different religions treat it differently.... Read more →

Is Oregon Dumbing Down the Reading and Math Requirements to Graduate from High School?

U.S. Falls Further Behind Other Countries in Assessment Results You may have heard that Oregon Governor Kate Brown privately signed a bill last month ending the requirement for high school students to prove proficiency in reading, writing, and arithmetic before graduation. To say this is a controversial decision is an... Read more →

Should Social Media Posts of Children Be Canceled After a Period of Time?

The Pros and Cons I recently read about Alexi McCammond, who was known as a rising star of journalism, a young Black reporter who contributed to NBC and PBS and made it to Forbes’s 30 Under 30 list. In March, she was appointed as editor-and-chief of Teen Vogue at age... Read more →