Social media ethics Feed

Digital Threat: Talking To Your Child About Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying: The Greatest Threat to Children’s’ Emotional Stability This guest blog was written by Katherine Rundell. Her contact information is below. The blog was first posted in February 2022. Introduction Cyberbullying is one example that can have devastating effects on young people. Cyberbullying occurs when a bully targets a victim... Read more →

Should Social Media Posts of Children Be Canceled After a Period of Time?

The Pros and Cons I recently read about Alexi McCammond, who was known as a rising star of journalism, a young Black reporter who contributed to NBC and PBS and made it to Forbes’s 30 Under 30 list. In March, she was appointed as editor-and-chief of Teen Vogue at age... Read more →

The Time is Right to Rethink the Value of the Cancel Culture

The Cancel Culture: Did Obama Get It Right? Several weeks ago, former President Barack Obama was interviewed about youth activism at the Obama Foundation summit. He took on the woke culture that is spreading among the younger generations by saying: “This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and your... Read more →

Pew Research Center Survey of How Americans View the Cancel Culture Does it Violate Free Speech? According to a Pew Research Center Survey of How Americans View the Cancel Culture, 44 percent of U.S. adults have heard at least a fair amount about “cancel culture”. They were also asked what... Read more →

Should Former President Trump be Canceled?

How Should We Hold Him Accountable? Yesterday I blogged about Former President Donald Trump's inciteful comments that stoked the fires of dissent and led to the January 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill. Many people claim that former President Donald Trump should be canceled because of his words and actions. Facebook... Read more →

Cancel Culture: An Ethical Analysis

Evaluating the Rightness and Wrongness of the Cancel Culture I recently blogged about the various ways of examining the cancel culture and its effects on society from calling someone out for their words and actions, to boycotting them and shunning them from society and everything in between. In today’s blog... Read more →

Cancel Culture: A Variety of Perspectives

Cancel Culture: What it is Intolerance in society is being fueled by the cancel culture. The cancel culture is mainly an internet phenomenon where those offended by the comments of another party become denounced online by those who object to the behavior. It is one form of a cultural boycott... Read more →

What is Virtue Signaling and Why Should You Care About It?

Understanding Political Correctness, Group Think, and the Cancel Culture Few terms have been more confusing to me than “virtue signaling.” First, is it spelled with two “ls” or one? It seems the Brits use two l’s and the U.S. one. Nevertheless, the meaning of the word is what is most... Read more →

Cancel Culture and Social Media

Denying Free Speech or an Expression of Capitalism? Yesterday I looked at the history of the cancel culture. In today's blog I examine how social media impacts the cancel culture. Social media posts reflect the historical movement from offline to online cancel culture including bullying behavior. When we think of... Read more →

Why Do Good People Sometimes Do Bad Things?

The Role of Cognitive Dissonance Have you ever wondered why people you know who seem to be paragons of virtue sometimes deviate from ethical norms and do the wrong thing? Just about everybody knows such a person. But, what causes them to act that way in a particular situation? I... Read more →

How To Rock A Niche Podcast 

Podcasting 101 Introduction Looking to enhance your brand and stay busy during the COVID-19 pandemic, try podcasting. Here's a blog piece written by Jane Sandwood about how to get it going. Later, I will provide a link to the valuable resource by Shannon Taylor from Streaming services are quite... Read more →