Wellness Feed

Using A CURE Approach to Enhance Ethical Behavior

The Keys to Building Emotional Intelligence I previously blogged about how and why empathy and compassion are critical components of ethical leadership. However, this is only one-half of the story about how approaching ethics from an emotional level can enhance ethical leadership. Ethical leaders also need cognitive skills to make... Read more →

Is Your Relationship at Risk?

Keys to a Successful Relationship According to statistics, almost 50 percent of the marriages in the U.S. will end in divorce or separation. Nearly 80 percent of divorced people get remarried, six percent of which remarry the same spouse. The majority of recent marriages (58 percent) are first marriages for... Read more →

The Importance of Critical Thinking Skills in Educating the Whole Person

Think Before You Act! Most educators are aware of the importance of technical skills in STEM subjects but do not necessarily recognize the importance of “soft skills” to carry out technical skills in a way that communicates personal values and logical thinking. Soft skills provide a foundation to analyze and... Read more →

Are You Part of the “Exhausted Majority”?

We Need to Return to the Common Good I’ve been hearing a lot about the term “The Exhausted Majority.” It refers to the belief that generally, the American public is more flexible in their political views, fed up with polarization, believe we can find common ground, and are less active... Read more →

What Does Morality Mean to You?

The Divide Between Older and Younger Americans is Widening From time to time, I come across a survey that leads me to wonder why Americans have different views about morality. Isn’t it a matter of right versus wrong? Doesn’t The Golden Rule explain it best? According to a survey by... Read more →

Educating The Whole Person

A New Approach to Ethics Education I have been reading a lot lately about the importance of educating the whole person. We can think of education as a roadmap to self-actualization. In other words, become the best version of yourself, one who is socially and psychological fit and aspires to... Read more →

What is the Difference Between Virtue and Virtue Signaling?

Who is Good. You or Me? Who is Right. You or Me? I published a blog about virtue signaling back on May 28, 2021. There has been so much discussion of it since then that I decided to refresh the blog and bring my thoughts up to date. Virtue Ethics... Read more →

Can Effective Altruism Create a More Caring Community of Givers?

Targeted Charitable Giving to Benefit Society I’ve been hearing a lot about “effective altruism” and decided to do some research and devote today’s blog to the topic. I was particularly struck by the use of the term in a story about Sam Bankman-Fried and the debacle at FTX. When asked... Read more →

America Has Returned to the Wild West

Can Anything Be Done to Stem the Rising Tide of Gun Violence? It is alarming how so many senseless murders have occurred in the U.S. just in 2022. The country has returned to its earlier days when the idea of a wild west ruled the day. The Wild West was... Read more →

Causes and Solutions to Gun Violence in America

Why is America Such a Violent Country? The number of senseless murders that have occurred in the U.S. in 2022 is alarming, several of which have occurred in November alone. We need to recognize that the country has now returned to the days of the “Wild West” that began after... Read more →

9-Year-Old Achievement Scores Reflect the Failure of the U.S. Education System

Don’t Blame Covid for the Decline in Math and Reading Scores Perhaps you have heard that Math and Reading scores for 9-year-olds in the U.S. fell between 2020 and 2022 by a level not seen in decades, a troubling sign of the state of American education two years after the... Read more →